Why you should Strength Train during your Pregnancy

Why you should Strength Train during your Pregnancy

The words 'strength training' and 'pregnancy' in the same sentence can perk up some ears. There are negative and positive backlash this gets from the media but i'm here to debunk some of the BS on the internet. 
"If you don't use it you lose it" lol 
I received clearance from my doctor at 8 weeks pregnant. She assured me that if I was feeling up for a workout, that I was fine to do so. My doctor also highlighted an important tips on exercise and pregnancy...
If you weren't lifting weights before pregnancy, (in my case - powerlifting), to not attempted anything super heavy and new.
For instance if you were someone that walked, went to yoga and did some strength training - it wouldn't be a good idea to jump into an intense Crossfit workout when you find out you're pregnant.
With this being said, It's so important to listen to your body and do what feels good. Modify things when necessary and always remember to stay hydrated.
(Deadlifting at 37 weeks pregnant)
Overall Physical health 
Regular strength training during pregnancy and improve cardiovascular health, posture, build muscle tone and help with your flexibility abilities. 
Mental Well-Being 
Movement, such a strength training, has been shown to decrease anxiety and stress while improving your mental state. Pregnancy can bring on hormonal and emotional changes, and regular exercise can contribute to a more positive mental state.
Reduce Pregnancy Discomfort 
Strength training can help alleviate common pains during pregnancy. Things like back pain, joint pain, swelling and other discomforts can be maintained with regular movement, such as strength training. 
Preparation for Labor & Childbirth 
Childbirth is no joke! It's a strength and endurance sport. The physical demand in the birthing process requires a strong pelvic floor and core muscles. Training these areas regularly can potentially improve labor efficiency, aiding in a smoother delivery. 
It's important to note that pregnant women should consult with their healthcare provider before starting or continuing any exercise program. A healthcare professional can provide guidance based on individual circumstances and ensure that the exercises are safe and appropriate during pregnancy.
(40 weeks pregnant) 
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